Monday, January 23, 2012


He told me one day
After a long journey home
A story of life
Of how he had almost won

The eyes lit up
He was young again
A man of few words
Enlightened in a beautiful score

Of peaks and valleys
He told his tale
A man who had been there and back
Had lived in the belly of the whale

Jonah encompassed
Which way was north?
He had no clue
Only one pair of shoes

He had been in a schoolyard
Had scoffed at the notion
That women would at one time
Rule his emotion
It had been so simple
Just a paper and pen
Recess at noon
And a mom to pick him up after school

It wasn’t until a mistake was made
That life became a little more serious
And a lot less sane

In a good way; though
He came into his own
A well-rounded man
Never a bore

Never fully satisfied
Always thinking too hard
Nitpicking himself
When he didn’t meet the bar

Like a fine tailored suit
A long process to become
Comfortable in your own skin
And never be in a slum

Just as soon as it happened
College was there
Another change of scenery
Another round of cares

His father had told him
Nose to the grind stone, son
It’s better to think of a diving board
Because you’re still so young

He hadn’t felt that way
Four years of fun
He felt old and ready
To figure it out
Sail away under the sun

Society dictated
What it thought he had needed
What it thought needed to happen
When he made it through
An honored combatant

People followed the norm
All around him he saw
People catching something
Just to fit into a crowd
A whole life ahead
He thought to himself
But why is everyone
So eager to play house?

Is it the lighting of the floors?
The thought of more
The thought of opportunity
Can frighten people into a bore

It was this he saw, the man had said
That caused him to look ahead
Passed the material blend
To something that mattered to him

There in was the question
The thought of matter
What was this life?
A secret ingredient to the batter
A cross roads had been reached

But, the man wasn’t content
There was more to the gleam
More to a life
Mostly unseen

Was it a crown he wanted?
Or a white picket fence?
Or a chance to learn more
To delay the deafening roar

Of a world unknown
Of a comfort unfelt
Like a sweater that itches
Like a mist felt

Written up
Cycled down
Left for dead
Talked abound

What would the tree grow?
A rose of red or yellow
Would life turn out?
To be so mellow

Was it the blond with the smile?
Or the brunette with the brain?
That made all these choices
Seem even more insane

Had he come to a cross roads?
Or a dead end
Time to make new friends
And settle amends

I tell you, he said
The books still writing
The only thing I know
The horizon is quite daunting

As in any person will say
Its never just a settled thunder
It is often lighting
That leads to a plunder

Do not listen to yourself
Do not assume you know all
You’ll wake up one day
And realize you were never on the ball

“Are you even there?
After all this time”
I asked the man
Feeling even more blind

A tear streamed down
Leaving him strummed
With a thought lingering
A burning yearn

If you never tell yourself
You wouldn’t have done things different
Then you might be content
Like a mouse in a kitchen
Living off scraps
With others permission

But you’ll sit up at night
Thinking back
To a day of risk
To a day where you didn’t always round the same track

Live it as such
That’s what I say
Then the tears will come
Cause a risk taken
Is always easier to wash away

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