Sunday, February 5, 2012


A pest, some might call it, a lingering effect that will never leave your side. An infectious feeling that should leave you sickening…hell no one has ever used infectious to describe something that is good for you. But, what if the pest that has taken hold of you is the thing you need? What if it is the healthiest thing that could have happened to you? Sometimes people need to get beat up, black and blue a little, before they realize something. But, physical discomfort is an easy one to point out and can bring about change rather quickly. If you stump your toe on a certain spot on the floor you’re going to take more caution walking there; it’s how kids learn not to touch the burner. Emotional discomfort, though, is sometimes tougher to bring about change. You see it every day.
Why is she still with that man? Why do you keep working if you don’t like it? The human mind is a complicated thing. Some might say that humans are not trusting beings but…in my experience….most of us are trusting…we want to see the good in people. We have gotten past the age of instant judgment, I believe, and it has led to a more accepting society. But, with this it also becomes a more forgiving and, a maybe, too idealistic society. Maybe I shouldn’t trust everyone, maybe I shouldn’t believe everyone is naturally good or maybe we should stop giving people chances and say fuck them. If you say this then, I believe, you take away the complicated piece of the brain: human nature. You become hypocritical of the quality that separates us from the beasts; you begin to separate yourself from people that you are one situation or one step away from being.
If you go around not trusting and not accepting then you’re libel to miss the pest or the infection that might turn it around; you’re libel to miss the thought or person that you need to show you something. You get stuck in acceptance, in the circle of satisfying your mind off things that have been pre-programmed into you; you begin to become content. Search for happiness, yes, and by God strive to find it. But, never feel that your happiness entitles you to anything or makes you better than anyone else. Your mind never stops looking, searching, and…well…that’s the beauty of human nature. 

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