Thursday, November 1, 2012

12 Things to Think About During the 2012 Election

Instead of writing all my political ramblings in a status update I figured I would blog about it like every 50 year old former hippie who just discovered the internet. Now, don't let my sarcasm fool you in some of these statements because I really do believe this is the most important election in my short lifetime because of the state of America's political system; which is more resembling an American Idol competition than what our fore fathers wanted it all to be. So, I will outline some bullshit thinking that I believe is spreading like an infectious disease throughout this country and every time I do that I will follow with a statement of my outlook on how, I believe, it should be viewed as. I hope you all disagree with me and feel brave enough to comment because if there is one thing that is missing from this country it is our ability to have logical, non-personal conversations about politics and policies in our government.

12 Things to Think About During the 2012 Election

1. Who would win in a fight? 

Obama is a lean mother fucker and a known Baller!. He's got endurance and knows how to get in your head to the point where you've lost before you have even thrown a punch. Now, in my personal experience, every Morman I have met has been a tough son of a bitch and I would gladly buy them a virgin Shirley Temple than go toe to toe with them in their Sunday best. Romney also has a larger family that would back him up if it came to fist-ta-cuffs. But....Obama has Jay-Z in his corner so....4-1 on Barack.

2. Leaders come in all shapes and forms

We, as humans, are very judging of appearances; its just part of our genetic make up. Our tall friends are always getting the ladies, even if we don't want to admit it some races scar us a little more than our own and if we see a tough little guy we all say he has a "short man" complex. How about we stop painting this ideal picture of a leader and, instead, start painting a picture of the actions and thoughts we would want that leader to do and have. Who gives a shit if they're missing two front teeth, are black,white, orange, purple or look like they should be giving me happy face stickers at Wal Mart. Let's listen a little before we decide to stop looking.

3. Mascot Fight: A donkey or elephant?

Elephants are pretty crazy animals, as one Indian man found out, and should not be thought of as having big ears and just wanting to fly. They're big mo fo's and the Cardinals could use them on their offensive line. As for the donkey, the loveable Jackass, is a force to be reckoned with. It has one hell of a kick and knows how to put on a show south of the border. But, at the end of the day, you have to go with the animal who you would rather have lead you down the Grand Canyon: Elephant.

4. Why are parties pitted against each other? 

Sure, I get it; everyone has different opinions. But, whenever problems existed for projects, work, or in situations that I was involved in we met up, talked it over, and arrived at the most logical and feasible choice. Everyone always didn't agree but at the end of the day we went forward fully engaged. Now, I didn't get together and start harassing my fellow teammates and slender them with accusations about how they spend their weekends and what grade they got on the last test because we were all in the same room together and we all had the same problems. I know that the spending, for some reason, complicates it all. But, let's start talking about the problem of money in politics; about these super PAC's and the people making the rules. Let's stop getting caught up in one way to fix a problem but instead let's start focusing and talking about the reasons we're all in the same room.

5. Who do you want to have a beer with?

This is unfair to Mr. Romney, I know. But, he does get some brownie points for being governor of the great beer loving state of Massachutes and, I wouldn't mind getting slammed with him because you know you have a DD. Obama went to Harvard people, just accept that one, and this makes him an immediate person to philosophize and enlighten my drunk mind for a night. Also, he knows basketball and I'm sure we could banter on about the Lakers for a good two or three hours. But, if I'm going out next Monday night and want to make it out to the polls, I need to get home safely. Mr. Romney, you don't have to drink Diet Coke; your skinny enough to have regular Coke.

6. Likability? Does it really matter?

Did you always like your Dad and Mom? Did you always like that crazy sports coach or that annoying teacher? Does anyone truly always like their boss? No, but you worked with the person and hopefully got something good out of it. Some people feel like they have to be best friends with you to get things done or that after meeting you for 20 minutes they can talk to you like they've known you for 20 years.  Don't strive to be likable, strive to be respected and strive to understand that working with someone, being lead by someone, is going to have its ups and downs. Don't get caught up in the moment, don't get caught up in wanting everything now and, instead, step back and ask yourself....are we moving forward from a big picture standpoint everyday.

7. Faith: Christian or Mormon? 

Obama has been known to associate with some controversial figures but it has not been a big point people have made about him since the last election. Now, I don't know much about the Mormon religion so I will let
Peter Griffin explain it.


Listen, the Muslims didn't fly into the World Trade Center, Jews don't swindle you and every Roman Catholic family doesn't have ten kids. It is a faith; there is no logic behind it, no one is wrong, and more power to someone who is convinced they have found some sort of order in this crazy world of ours. I could give two shit's what any of these guys do on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday and who they get their sermons from. We are not a nation under god but a nation bogged down by debt, a shrinking middle class, unemployment, and discomfort. The only faith we should be caring about is the faith that we can make it out of the state of America we are in now.

9. Everyone's a Nazi

I'm going to let my good friends at the Daily Show(three minute mark) show you the great reporting and rhetoric going on in our country.  And, apparently, we have united under one party

10. What happened to moderates?

Listen, the media is out of hand; any sane person knows this. But, it is all these networks who somehow keep building up followings, keep dragging most of indifferent America around on their coat tails. Don't get caught up in all of these agendas but, instead, demand journalistic integrity; demand that people slow down this 24 hour news cycle and start to give you the facts and information you need to make your own choice. Be logical about it because, right now, I believe that most of the country has moderate viewpoints but they're getting drowned out by the loud, ignorant right and left wingers who just want to get enough air time to get their point across. Start engaging in some healthy brainstorming.

11. Watch all of the coverage and such, for one news cycle

Plucking myself in front of the t.v. and watching the news for 24 hours straight might be enough to convince me to call in sick on Nov. 6 . Every half an hour I would switch from cnn to fox to msnbc etc. and....on my lap I would have my lap top; serving some of these sites. Because, what better way to take in one of the most relevant and, these days it seems irrelevant, days in American history?

12. Broaden your mind

Stop this polarization that is infecting this country and look at everything. Look at the opinions you think are stupid  look at the opinions you think are smart and especially look at the ones you're indifferent too. Do it with no emotion and see what you take away from it. I bet it will be something you didn't expect and, in the process, it will make you feel better about your own opinion.

Well, hope you enjoyed the post and stuck around with me long enough to maybe get something out of it. And please, I want to hear your opinions and I want to get some discussion going. Let's have a brainstorm session and not a debate. Thanks and GET OUT AND VOTE!!!!

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