Thursday, February 9, 2012


The sun gleamed
Past the pleasantries of evening
Toward the hope of a new tomorrow
Through the blinds of a dark room

All stood in awe
Caught in the haze of spectacular mediocrity
Tied up in the ropes of cage-less labels
What had become of the standard?

They climbed down to the dreams
The dreams lost in the splendid valley
The valley that ached and stank of  lost causes
What had become of what they had wanted?

The rocks stung their feet
The sun gleamed hotter and higher in the sky
Drawing them nearer to false idols of coldness
Their hearts falling and cascading toward perceived notions

What had become of the people to their left?
What had become of the people to their right?
They were too scared to look behind off the beaten path
Forward to the past had become the mnemonic

No, no, don't stop now
Follow the valley down away from reality
Stopping only to drink from scalding water
Made from the burned desks and water coolers of a 21st century prison

No, no, walk past the man who didn't care
Sit down and join just for a minute to realize a lifetime
Escape to something known to justify not knowing
Take in the pain and discard it to the dusty file cabinet in what you perceive is a brain

1 comment:

  1. Nice, When you walk past the man that did not care. How did you know his thoughts for he to is struggling with his challenges and they be larger then yours. Provide him a chance to care and more importantly let him know you care ;-)
